Take my moments and my days
Measuring time, being measured by time: the calendar
Jewish biblical and historical feasts
In the beginning: introduction to the Jewish calendar
Into freedom: Passover, unleavened bread, first fruits
Fifty days and first fruits: Shavuot
May you be inscribed in the book of life: Rosh Hashanah, Feast of Trumpets
Atonement and mercy: Yom Kippur
God with us, us with God: Sukkot, feast of Tabernacles
Stones of remembrance: Jewish history's holy days
From here to there: introduction to the Christian calendar
Welcoming the word made flesh: Christmas
The light to the world: Epiphany
Walking toward the cross with Jesus: Holy Week
Living in Resurrection time: Easter
Signs, wonders, and new community: Pentecost
Right here, right now: Ordinary Time